conan the barbarian comic

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  • PlipPlop
    Apr 12, 08:47 AM
    TB will only start to get popular when its released on Windows.

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  • MattInOz
    Apr 18, 09:03 PM
    I'm not really sure what the point would be. If you lay a 17 or 20 inch Mac down on your lap, give it a touch screen, and modify the interface so it's more suited to the less precise input of fingers� haven't you just created a bigger iPad? (Not that a bigger iPad wouldn't have it's uses, but it wouldn't be a Mac, and I'd question whether it would warrant yet another 'marketing name'.

    I suppose it's possible, as many presume, that Apple is looking to merge OS X and iOS, but it's never been that convincing of an argument to me. There are some real incompatibilities between the two in my mind. Many OS X apps demand the precision and unrestricted visibility that a keyboard and mouse give you, but once you're using a keyboard and mouse, the display has moved away from your fingers. A vertical display keeps it within reach, but humans just aren't suited to using a vertical touch screen for more than a few minutes, as Steve Jobs has himself remarked.

    If the future were some kind of OS X / iOS hybrid, why did Apple invent iOS in the first place? Why not just go straight for this touchable OS X Nirvana if it exists? I suspect it doesn't exist, and Apple understood that a usable touchscreen interface has a unique set of requirements, benefits and limitations.

    As for what this 'ix.Mac.MarketingName' is, I actually haven't a clue. It's somewhat intriguing though. It's kind of exciting to think that the inventive minds at Apple might be hatching some new kind of device. A little optimistic maybe, but who knows?

    Was thinking more of a desktop touch screen device. Different from the iPad which wants to be picked up and used, but is workable on your lap. This mythical desktop touch device would still need to be light enough that you could lift it up and just change it's orientation at will like an iPad. Yet with a stand so it could be standing upright in portrait or landscape yet moved and sit anywhere down to almost flat on the desk. That way if you want the screen upright you can have, yet small enough that your not putting it to far away and for the odd navigation touch command would not be to bad. Yet lying down you get the full advantage and directness of touch screen.

    This device would be great for Graphics, CAD, 3D modeling, even FCP maybe where the ability to make the workflow even more direct and tactile would be a real advantage.

    I can't see this device happening this year, but I can dream can't I. See the other part that seems to missing is something that has the directness of touch but and doesn't obscure what your doing like a mouse so you get the accuracy, but you can't do this at the expense of the other input means on there respective platforms. Or in other words a stylus but it has to work with fingers as well but not spongy like the current ones you can buy.

    To me the keyboards a red herring, both OSX and iOS can use either real or on screen keyboard. The difference comes down to point device.

    As for why they split off iOS as a branch, well where now five years in and only with Lion is it looking like the two will align. So if they waited till OS X was ready they would have forgone the last 4 years of iOS device revenue plus maybe the next 2-3 years as well before it was really ready for the general purpose touchable OS. Even then it would be doubtful if One Application Framework is diverse enough to cover 4 families of products each with there own tweaks to how you work with them.

    It's funny for all the advantages of computers it's only now we see them becoming as intuitive as pencil and paper some time in the next 5ish years.

    Yep so intrigued to what this new device maybe if it''s anything all. There some really fun possibilities. Just not sure which one is "ready" for this year.

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  • justflie
    Nov 3, 10:22 AM
    Does anyone have an idea of what (if anything) this does that Parallels doesn't? Parallels has done a great job and is really great except for the video acceleration. If someone could figure that out and let us play XP games in OS X I would be one happy guy.

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  • seanpholman
    Mar 16, 10:41 AM
    Brea had a good number of Verizon models and a few WiFi, but no AT&T. GSM models are obviously being saved for the international launch.

    No GSM at SCP either.



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  • appleguy123
    Apr 26, 11:42 PM
    Just incase I get killed tonight, I'm pretty sure that eldiablojoe and Nies are the WW's.
    I've added eldiablojoe to my list because when he is a wolf, he acts extremely gullible. When he was the seer he did not.
    In this game, he said he didn't know what was going on in the narratives, and he seemed unaware that roles are chosen by so it wouldn't matter what roles he had previously.

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  • FloatingBones
    Nov 20, 08:58 PM
    Whom am I trying to convince?

    It doesn't matter. You're not convincing anybody. Calling a CEO a communist because their product doesn't do what you think it ought to do is pretty goofy.

    Illogical and irrational people who worship Steve Jobs and hate what he hates? Such people will not care or listen to any form of reason.

    You're not listening. I gave four very good -- and rational -- reasons why Flash is a bad idea for iOS. You haven't countered that reasoning. You give us things like a "communist" rant that has no business in this kind of discussion. You are the one acting in an irrational fashion here.

    No, I talk about an option to turn Flash on or off at will and you find it offensive to even offer an option.

    If Apple did that, then they would be staking the security of iOS Safari to Adobe. And Adobe has proven to be thoroughly incompetent in securing their products. Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks. ( "The expectation is, among the security community, that Adobe this year, in is going to surpass Microsoft as the number one target for attacks due to the continuing problems."

    Adobe still thinks that quarterly updates is good enough for their software. Clueless. As security expert Steve Gibson notes: So how is that quarterly update going for you? (

    Everything you fear would be avoided if someone just turned Flash OFF

    Please explain how you can possibly ensure that not a single iOS user will not lose anything the next time there's a zero day Adobe bug ( You can't.

    No, I just don't see any point in trying to carry on a logical, rational discussion with someone whose "argument" is based purely on emotion.

    See above. My arguments are rational. OTOH, you are the one who labeled Steve Jobs as a "communist dictator" in message #45 of this discussion.

    That argument is purely based on emotion, it is purely nonsensical, and it is entirely wrong.

    You owe the community an apology for your "communist" rant. It has no business in any rational discussion here.

    Many millions of people have Flash installed on their Macs (let alone those using Windows and Linux) and they could remove it. They know that if they do, some web sites will cease to function properly and thus they leave it on.

    This is not a problem for the owners of the 120M+ iOS devices. Nobody forced them to buy an Apple iOS product. Many of them are quite happy that they never have to deal with Flash at all. If there's something they need to do, they can look in the App Store for an app to do that.

    Note: despite asking you multiple times, you have yet to tell us of a SINGLE FLASH APP that doesn't have a reasonable alternative in the app store.

    Millions of users on Macs AND Windows AND Linux also don't give a rat's ass about a single Flash app. They have installed click-to-flash blockers on their computers to muzzle flash.

    Apple doesn't even ship Flash on their newest computers ( It's a safe bet that Apple won't ship Flash at all with 10.7 version of the OS.

    Even Adobe has seen the handwriting on the wal ( They are now offering code that generates HTML5 instead -- for those hundreds of millions of computers that don't offer Flash. Websites will probably cut over to that completely, because they can never tell who has muzzled their Flash apps with click-to-flash on laptops and desktop computers.

    Other than a small number of legacy programmers, nobody cares about flash any more.

    Those flash hangers-on have been resorting to bizarre emotional arguments -- they claim that Steve Jobs is a communist dictator ( That is a truly bankrupt argument -- the last gasp from those defending a dying platform.


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  • povman
    Jul 11, 09:34 PM
    I just hope Apple already has the name "xPod" trademarked.

    I hope microsoft has the name 'iBox' trademarked.. wouldn't want apple to ever make an iBox...

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  • Mystikal
    Mar 16, 08:51 AM
    Good luck people! Seems like people heard about yesterday and got in line even earlier.


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  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 02:26 PM
    Anti glare is not matt. The old imacs with matt screens were impossible to calibrate and had terrible issues with 'white-out'. The glass screens are a massive improvement and anyone with half a brain cell can sort their set up so that glare is a non issue.

    I must be one of the lucky ones with a matte iMac 24" (zero problems) and its running on an SSD. I am looking for a decent Optical Drive replacement so I can use an SSD and 3TB HDD. The only noise emitted is the fan and I cannot control the speed to go any lower than :apple: default. :(

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  • adomanico18
    Apr 15, 03:40 PM
    uh-oh! The non-disclosure police are on patrol! Look out!



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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    What are they gonna call it? Apple TV?

    Sheep tv would be more like it. What's next, a supermarket?

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  • Carlson-online
    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    iphone 4 white is so yesterdays news . i want to know when the humancentipad is coming out!!!!!


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  • Moyank24
    Apr 30, 03:46 PM
    Eldiablojoe can be our token blonde in the afterlife?

    Apparently he is. Closest thing I'm going to get to another woman I guess.

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  • binaryskies
    Sep 29, 11:13 PM
    Yeah, I would estimate my dropped call rate is around 20-30% (Northern Virginia) sometimes higher depending on the day. They said they built a new tower near me, but ever since I got that message, my coverage has dropped at least one to two bars everywhere I go.


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  • arkitect
    Mar 31, 10:29 AM
    I am not too keen on this "cartoony" 3D effect Apple seem to be going for.

    Torn off pages… faux-leather binding… I mean doesn't anyone else think it is a bit corny?
    It really does seems as if the cutesyeness of the iOS is spreading over to OSX.

    I'd prefer a clean modern OS with usability first and foremost.

    Screw the gratuitous eyecandy…

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  • Tones2
    Apr 13, 02:11 PM
    Yet another ridiculous speculation by unqualified experts who need real jobs.



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  • Peterkro
    May 1, 10:11 PM
    killed at a Mansion in Islamabad Pakistan

    Interesting when seen in terms of NATO backing off about deliberate attempts to kill Daffy.

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  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 14, 07:58 AM
    yah the white iPhone looks fresh as hell!

    Looks like a bar of soap. Which I guess is OK. It IS different, 'fresh', and will make a fashion statement for those who care about such things.

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  • Longey Nowze
    Jun 6, 11:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    I don't get what is the fuss about - many times I wasn't happy with purchased app, album, or downloaded something by mistake - and never had problems getting refunds from apple...

    How do you request a refund? Who do you contact?

    Dec 5, 08:48 PM
    A double industrial is all I want :)

    Feb 1, 01:19 AM
    DELL U2311H

    Apr 6, 10:40 AM


    Apr 22, 02:17 AM
    Samsung's smartest course of action probably would have been to work with whatever terms Apple had been offering before legal action ensued.

    You are assuming Apple offered them any terms.

    Apple's suit is largely around Samsung copying Apple's product appearances in many ways. What you are assuming is like Rolls Royce saying to GM, "Your new car design looks just like a Rolls Royce in so many ways a customer can't tell them apart. However if you'll give us "X" amount of money, We'll let you copy us."

    Mar 8, 09:11 AM
    Now, when they're talking of a replacement, are they thinking of killing Charlie's character off and Rob Lowe (or whomever) would be some new character that comes out of nowhere, it would they keep Charlie's character, swap actors, and act as if nothing happened?

    I think Rob could pull-off the sardonic character very well, but they will probably go with a name change just the same.